
Cara Cara Barolo sauce

Barcode 7640143711666

Switzerland (CH)


340.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Tomaten 44%, Grüne Etna Oliven 18%, Rotwein Barolo 13%, Karotte, natives Olivenöl extra, Sellerie, Zwiebeln, Zucker, Meersalz

Ingredients (English)

Tomato 44%, Green Etna Olives 18%, Red Wine Barolo 13%, Carrot, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Celery, Onions, Sugar, Sea Salt

Ingredients (French)

Tomate 44%, Olives vertes Etna 18%, vin rouge Barolo 13%, carotte, huile d'olive extra vierge, céleri, oignons, sucre, sel de mer

Ingredients (Italian)

Pomodori 44%, olive verdi nocellara etnea 18%, vino Barolo 13%, carote, olio d'oliva vergine extra, sedano, cipolla, zucchero, sale marino

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 402.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 97.0 kCal
Fat 8.2 g
Saturated fat 2.5 g
Carbohydrates 4.4 g
Sugars 4.3 g
Protein 1.4 g
Salt 0.7 g
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